Why is Ghana losing the war against illegal gold mining ( Galamsey

Ghana, like most resource-rich countries, is saddled and inundated with resource curse challenges. Key among them is the problem of illegal small-scale gold mining activities (ISSGMAs), which is mercilessly robbing the nation of its ecological integrity, despite attempts by successive governments to remedy the situation. In the …

Framing illegal artisanal and small-scale gold mining in the …

Abstract. Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) plays a significant socio-economic role in the alleviation of poverty. In Ghana, the increase in and persistence of …

The Illegal Artisanal and Small-scale mining (Galamsey) 'Menace' …

Abstract Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) plays a significant socio-economic role in the alleviation of poverty. In Ghana, the increase in and persistence of illegal ASM (galamsey) can be…


Mining companies have also played a role in infrastructure development, supporting the construction of roads, clinics, and other social amenities in mining regions. Small-scale and artisanal mining provide opportunities for individuals and groups with limited resources, while illegal mining, often referred to as "galamsey," remains

Is illegal mining socio-politically entrenched? An opinion piece of …

Introduction. Gold mining follows two divisional lines in Ghana; the large-scale multi-national and the small-scale mining sectors (Wireko-Gyebi et al., 2020).Typically, the small scale mining aspect of gold extraction can be further divided into two classes (legal and illegal) depending on its legal approval and operational protocols …

Galamsey: An Enemy Of Ghana's Arable Lands And Water Bodies

Additionally, a study conducted by the International Growth Centre (IGC) an organization that documents Galamsey operations and their environmental impacts, revealed that an estimated amount of $250 million is required to reclaim lands and water bodies affected by these illegal mining (Galamsey) activities in the Western Region alone.

Galamsey in Ghana: A policy impasse?

March 10, 2021. Courtesy: One of the most significant policy challenges in Ghana today revolves around the question of how to address illegal small-scale mining, …

Galamsey: The menace destroying Ghana | Pulse Ghana

Illegal mining, commonly known as "Galamsey," has been a significant issue in Ghana over the last decade. It has caused the country environmental degradation, social problems, and economic challenges.

Mechanization of illegal gold mining threatens Ghana's forests

Illegal mining, or galamsey, definitely leads to the destruction of forest areas. Once degraded, these forests can no longer store carbon dioxide. If illegal mining continues at this pace, the ...

Public Administration, Governance, and Illegal Small-Scale Mining …

Illegal mining in Ghana is an archetypical complex problem as it is cross-scalar, involving public, private, nonprofit sector actors interacting at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels of government. The relevant public agencies regulating the sector are the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources, the Minerals Commission, and the …

Women In International policybrief

small-scale gold mining is reserved for Ghanaians, but the boom in gold prices in the 2000s and Ghana's unprotected gold wealth drew thousands of Chinese miners to Ghana who started mining for gold illegally.3 Known locally as galamsey, illegal gold mining by Chinese migrants in Ghana has had devastating effects on the economy, the environment,

FINDINGS: Competitive politics and the challenge of …

Popularly known as 'galamsey', illegal mining has had significant adverse implications in Ghana, ranging from revenue losses to the state (as illegal miners do not pay taxes) to the pollution of important …

Gold, guns and China: Ghana's fight to end galamsey

The threat seemed to work. By the end of the three weeks, over 500 excavators used in informal artisanal gold mining – known locally as "galamsey" – had reportedly been voluntarily removed from mining …

Frontiers | Polluting our rivers in search of gold: how sustainable …

At numerous galamsey mining locations, it was seen during the field survey that Mercury was handled improperly. They use metallic Mercury in their mining technique to separate the fine gold from the ore pulp. Without applying the proper environmental safeguards, miners were seen mixing the gold-contaminated sediments with Mercury …

Galamsey: effects on environment and gov't's fight …

Palgrave BOAKYE-DANQUAH. The surge of illegal mining commonly referred to as 'galamsey' has been a long-term worry to the people and political leaders of Ghana. The aftermath of this activity is …

Galamsey Menace: Causes, Effects And Solutions

Worldwide, mining generate an estimated 2.7 billion tons of processing waste each year. Mining (galamsey) could also cause more damaging deforestation than bad farming practices in certain parts of the country, Ghana. In a quest to know more, I have visited some mining sites at Nkaseim, Kenyasi, Wuramumuso, Mehame, and Banda, all …

My gold, my money, my life – the story of a galamsey miner

Seyram Atsu is a 21-year-old Senior High School dropout illegal mine operator. He has come to Prestea – a gold mining town in the Western Region to illegally mine gold. Atsu hails from far away Kpetoe in the Volta Region of Ghana. He says, he has to do this job in order to raise money to take care of his little brother back at home and to ...

Proposed Solutions to the illegal and irresponsible mining …

29.06.2021 LISTEN. Galamsey Action Group, a nonprofit organization registered in Canada, is pleased to share with the general public and the media, proposed solutions to the horrendous problems created by illegal artisanal and irresponsible small-scale mining (aka galamsey). We have submitted the proposed solutions to the Government of Ghana ...

The Large Footprint of Small-Scale Mining in Ghana

The team also calculated artisanal mining activity by year to pinpoint its rise in popularity over the past decade. The map above shows new mining activity over a subset of the study period from 2007 to 2017 near Kumasi, Ghana. (The researchers chose 2007 to 2017 to focus on years with sufficient cloud-free imagery to identify annual changes.)

The Galamsey Menace in Ghana: A Political Problem …

small-scale mining youth engaged in galamsey. The late John Atta Mills, the party's presidential candidate at the time, continually blamed the leadership of the then ruling NPP for conflicts between small-scale miners and large-scale companies, and reportedly asked why the NPP was treating galamsey operators as if they were 'not Ghanaians'.

The politicization of Ghana's fight against galamsey: A threat to

Illegal mining, popularly known as galamsey, has been a significant problem in Ghana for many years. It poses a severe threat to the country's water bodies and human life, making it a menace that ...

Spatial distribution patterns of illegal artisanal small scale gold

Recently, there have been efforts by stakeholders to monitor illegal mining ( galamsey) activities, foster their formalization and reclaim the many abandoned …

After five years of sustained action : Galamsey fight far from over

Illegal mining, popularly known as 'galamsey', continues to wreak havoc to land, forest reserves and water bodies in mining communities, especially in the Ashanti, Eastern, Western and Western ...

The Negative Effect of Legal Mining (Gather Them and Sell) …

Keywords: Galamsey, Gather & Sell, Illegal Mining 1.0 INTRODUCTION A galamsey, derived from the phrase "gather them and sell", is a local Ghanaian term which means illegal small-scale gold mining in Ghana; such workers are known as galamseyers or orpailleurs in neighboring francophone nations.