
Looking to buy and sell in Gielinor? Check out the Grand Exchange marketplace to find the current market movers, prices, and most traded items.


Featured Item. Looking to buy and sell in Gielinor? Check out the Grand Exchange marketplace to find the current market movers, prices, and most traded items.

Thieving training

This guide describes the most effective methods to train the Thieving skill. The experience rate estimates in this guide do not incorporate the use of any experience-boosting items …

борлуулах уул уурхайн тоног төхөөрөмжийн төлөвлөгөө

"УУЛ УУРХАЙН САЛБАРЫН ГАМШГИЙН ЭРСДЭЛИЙН … ажиллагааны дүрэм, ашиглагдаж буй тоног төхөөрөмжийн стандартыг мөрдөж буй байдал; 6.4.3. гамшиг, аюул, осол тохиолдсон үед нөхцөл байдлыг үнэлж,

Лекц 10 | PPT

7. m=y/v y-нэрлэсэн ҮНБ Мөнгөний нийлүүлэлт Мөнгөний нийлүүлэлт нь мөнгө ба "бараг мөнгө" гэсэн 2 хэсгээс бүрдэнэ гэж үздэг. Мөнгөний нийлүүлэлтийг М1, М2, М3 гэсэн 3-н янзаар авч үзвэл тэдгээрийн бүтэц нь дараахи ...


Woodcutting (often abbreviated as WC or WCing) is a gathering skill that involves chopping down different types of trees and vegetation. For each type of tree, a minimum Woodcutting level and a hatchet are required to cut it. With each increase in level, a player will be able to cut trees faster. Woodcutting speed also increases for every improvement in hatchet …

Pay-to-play Mining training

Contents. This guide describes the most effective pay-to-play methods to train the Mining skill. Mining is a gathering skill which typically involves collecting ores from different …


Dungeoneering is a support skill that consists of exploring the dungeons of Gielinor, most significantly the old Dragonkin stronghold known by the Fremennik as Daemonheim. Players explore—and survive—the depths of Daemonheim by solving puzzles, unlocking doors, fighting monsters and bosses, and using every RuneScape skill (except Archaeology, …

Quest experience rewards

Observatory Quest - 875 experience in Attack, Strength, Defence, or Hitpoints is a possible reward from completing the quest, depending on the constellation players observe, which is random. Some constellations do not give experience in any skill but give items instead. The Varrock Museum - After completing a specific set of quests, players can ...

лекц 2, 3 | PPT

23. Чингис хаан улаан гахай жил буюу 1227 онд анх удаа цаасан мөнгийг хэвлэн гаргасан тухай хятадын эрдэмтэн Фэн син вей, Японы эрдэмтэн Е.Кого (Дорнод Азийн мөнгөний диллоги бичиг 1938) нар батлан бичжээ.



2020 I-V

Төмрийн хүдэр 149.0 мян.тн буюу 5.3 хувь, Төмрийн хүдрийн баяжмал 576.7 мян.тн буюу 47.3 хувь, Молибдений баяжмал 305.3 тн буюу 14.1 хувь. • Буурсан үйлдвэрлэл: Нүүрс 10.8 сая тн буюу 50.5 хувь,


To complete the puzzle, the player must move the tiles to form the picture. The puzzle is the image that represents each floor theme, that appears on the floor of the auto-grouping rooms. This puzzle is similar to the one that appears in the Quiet Before the Swarm quest. This puzzle is solvable in free-to-play worlds.


STASH units (short for "Store Things And Stuff Here"), also known as Hidey Holes, are storage units for emote clue items, saving bank space and bank trips for players who do Treasure Trails frequently. Free-to-play players …

Money Making Guide

Introduction. Money-making is something which requires time, efforts and sometimes even money to start with. For some people, it's easy to let the millions roll in, …

Archaeology training

This guide is for pay-to-play Archaeology training and aims to help players find the most effective and efficient methods of Archaeology training.. Archaeology is a gathering skill where players can excavate materials, soil, and artefacts using mattocks, then restore the artefacts at an archaeologist's workbench.A blue progress bar will appear above the …


Thieving is a members-only support skill that allows players to obtain coins and items by stealing from market stalls, chests, safecracking, or by pickpocketing or blackjacking non-player characters (NPCs). This skill also allows players to unlock doors and disarm traps. 1-49 thieving level-up music. 50-99 thieving level-up music.

Хөрөнгө оруулалтын өгөөж (ROI) гэж юу вэ?

Үүний эсрэгээр, roi нь тооцоо хийх явцад мөнгөний ирээдүйн үнэ цэнийг авдаггүй. Хөрөнгө оруулалтын гүйцэтгэлийн тооцоог үнэн зөв гаргахын тулд irr-д илүү нарийвчлалтай тооцоо хэрэгтэй.

God Wars Dungeon

The God Wars Dungeon (often abbreviated as GWD), originally known as the Temple of Lost Ancients, is a dangerous dungeon where armies of various gods, left over from the God Wars, fight one another to the death.Its release was announced in the Behind the Scenes of August 2007.. Navigating towards the dungeon requires having defeated Dad in the Troll …

OldSchool RuneScape

RuneScape is the original game that's been evolving for over 20 years! Old School RuneScape is the game as you remember it from 2007 - improved and expanded! RuneScape Old School. OldSchool RuneScape. …

Armour/Ranged armour

Armadyl armour is high level Ranged armour, offering some of the best attack and defence bonuses available to Ranged users. It is dropped by Kree'arra and his three bodyguards in the God Wars Dungeon. It requires level 70 Ranged and Defence to wear. Armadyl helmet. Armadyl chestplate.

Soul (Well of Souls)

Souls (also called vessel souls) are a type of currency used at the Well of Souls to unlock talents. Souls can be earned by completing communion rituals. The maximum level of the talent tree is unlocked at 35,000 vessel souls. Additionally, 3,000 and 30,000 vessel souls are required to begin the quests Spirit of War and Alpha vs Omega respectively.

Slayer Masters

Slayer Masters are masters of the Slayer skill who offer slayer assignments to players. Slayer Masters differ in the difficulty and number of monsters they assign, as well as the number of slayer points they offer. All standard Slayer Masters also sell Slayer equipment, which are required when killing various slayer monsters.. After completion of Smoking …


Мөнгөний бодлогын тухайд Монголбанк бодлогын хүүг 2017 оноос хойш цэвэр дүнгээр 9 нэгж хувиар бууруулж, 6 хувь дээр тогтоогоод байна. Дундаж инфляци 2018 онд 6.8 1 aХБ. 2020.

Optimal PvM perk setup

The purpose of this page is to provide the player with optimized PvM perks for most high end situations. For suggested PvM perks at different levels of player advancement, check PvM perk cost. The 'Ancient gizmos' blueprint (5,470,491 coins) or the untradeable version from Ancient Invention is required to make ancient gizmos. These combinations aim to have …

Money making guide

This article provides players with a list of ways to make money in RuneScape, along with the requirements, estimated profit per hour, and a guide explaining each method in detail.

Thieving training

Auras increase a player's chance of thieving successfully by 3% to 15% while activated, depending on aura tier. Auras effects last for one hour after they are activated. Players may use 5 or 10 vis wax to extend a five-finger discount aura's activation time by 50% or (costing 71,165 coins or 142,330 coins ).

хар тугалга олборлоход ямар төрлийн тоног төхөөрөмж

Шийдэл төмрийн хүдэр олборлоход ашигладаг уул уурхайн тоног төхөөрөмж Саудын Араб бутлуур 38 261 9 тн метал цагаан тугалга 417 63 тн мөнгөний хромын хүдэр угаах тоног төхөөрөмж Tcost .

Treasure Trails/Guide/Cryptics

A cryptic clue is one of the types of clues found as part of the Treasure Trails Distraction and Diversion. As the name suggests, a cryptic clue does not directly tell the player where to go, but has a secretive message in the clue scroll which points towards a location. Solutions may involve talking to an NPC, searching an interactive object (such as a crate or …